East Bohemia Anticipates Increase in Long-Distance Bus Fares with New Timetable Effective December 10th

In East Bohemia, passengers using long-distance buses can expect an increase in fares with the introduction of a new timetable commencing on December 10th. The changes are part of the shared OREDO system operating in the Pardubice and Hradec Králové regions. The fare adjustment will primarily impact passengers making one-time cash payments and regular payments with a standard payment card, while fares will remain unchanged for regular passengers holding IREDO cards.

Michal Kortyš, Deputy Mayor for Transport, emphasized that these tariff changes are the first in two years, necessitated by a significant rise in costs, including fuel, personnel expenses, repairs, and other services. The average increase in prices is approximately 8.5 percent, translating to a basic tariff increase of 2 crowns.

The price of an individual network ticket has risen from 160 to 200 crowns, and a five-person network ticket will now cost 500 crowns, up from the previous 350 crowns. On a positive note for pet owners, the bus fare for dogs has been reduced to a quarter of the standard fare, down from half. However, the network ticket for dogs has increased from thirty to fifty crowns, constituting a quarter of the price for an individual. The prices of individual tickets purchased through the contactless chip card IREDO and multi-day tickets will remain unchanged.

Beyond the fare adjustments, both regions aim to implement measures to enhance travel experiences. One such initiative is geared toward expediting boarding processes when passengers embark on buses. To address issues arising from cash payments, especially for students and pupils purchasing weekly tickets, offline payments will be introduced in collaboration with transport companies. An upcoming application is expected to reduce cash transactions and weekly ticket purchases from drivers, with an existing e-shop already available for use. These measures aim to enhance the efficiency of the transportation system and improve the overall experience for passengers in East Bohemia.

Article by Prague Forum

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