Embassy of Slovenia in Prague / Velvyslanectví Republiky Slovinsko v Praze

Today marks 150 years since the birth of Constantine Hypolito Konvalinka.
Konstantin Hypolit Konvalinka was born on 13th. In August 1872 in Litomyšla, Czech Republic. He graduated from the Alois Jirásk gymnasium in Litomyšl and later enrolled at the medical school of Karlo-Ferdinand University in Prague.
He arrived in the area of present-day Dolenjska (Slovenia) in 1903 and became a doctor in Žužemberk. After the death of his wife, Helene Kabrchel was moved to Lukovica pri Domžale at his own request, where he met Maša Kersnik (daughter of the writer Janko Kersnik), with whom he married in 1912 and then worked as a district doctor in Toplice (today Do lazy spa). During World War I, he was enlisted in the military service as a doctor.
After the war, he bought a swimming pool from Prince Aursperg, renovated it and raised it to the level of a sanatorium which he led until 1934. He dedicated himself to the study of rheumatic diseases and the influence of thermal water on rheumatic patients.
He had four children in two marriages – a daughter and three sons.
He was also active in the local social life. The residents of Dolenjske Toplice took him as their “doctor”, but they remember him as a good doctor and a good man.
He worked as a doctor until 1941. His rich life path ended on 27. October 1943 He is buried in the family grave at the cemetery in Dolenjske Toplice.
Today, his documentary, pictorial and objective legacy is being maintained by his family, and some things were donated by family members to the Dolenjski museum Novo mesto. The donated material also includes a brochure of Rheumatozis, an unpublished composition about a bathroom, several pharmacy containers for storing medicines from a private office and a few other small print materials. They also donated some personal documents to the museum (ID, weapon certificate, membership cards for fishing and hunting society and documentary material for the preparation of the book Doctor from Dolenjske spa).
Ambassador Tanja Strniša, together with the mayor of Dolenjske Toplice Franc Vovko, paid homage to his memory in front of the monument on the house in Dolenjske Spa, where Dr. Konstantin Konvalinka lived and had a house.
Today we remember the 150th. birth anniversary of Konstantin Hypolito Konvalinka.
Konstantin Hypolit Konvalinka was born on 13th August 1872 in Litomyšl, Czech Republic. He graduated from the Alois Jiráska Gymnasium in Litomyšl and later enrolled at the Medical Faculty of Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague.
In 1903 he came to the area of present-day Dolenjska (Slovenia), where he became a doctor in Žužemberk.
Ambassador Tanja Strniša together with the mayor of Dolenjske Toplice Franc Vovke honored his memorial in front of the monument near the house in DolenjskeToplice, where he lived and had his house Dr. Konstantin Konvalinka.

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