Úvodní slovo pronesla čestná hostka, zvolená lídryně Běloruska Svjatlana Cichanouska.

Výtěžek ze vstupného bude věnován sbírce
Paměť národa na nákup obranného materiálu pro Ukrajinu.

3rd month into Russia’s war in
#Ukraine, it’s a right moment to remind ourselves that obsessive violence in
#Belarus has been and remains a cousin sister of another dictator’s uncontrolled appetite for aggression against everyone disobeying his vision of ‘Russian world’, says Lithuanian ambassador Laimonas Talat-Kelpša during yesterday’s charity screening of 3KinoFest – IFF PRAGUE Film against Russian aggression: When Flowers Are Not Silent by Belarusian director Andrei Kutsila at the Municipal Library in Prague.

The opening speech was also given by the guest of honour, the elected leader of Belarus, Svyatlana Tsichanouska.

Proceeds from the entrance fee will be donated to the Paměť národa collection for the purchase of defense equipment for Ukraine.