Prague 4 Leads the Way in Sowing Flowery Meadows for Environmental Enhancement

For the third consecutive year, Prague 4 has embarked on an ambitious project to sow flowery meadows in selected areas of communication greenery, solidifying its position as a pioneer in the Czech Republic. This year, the project will expand to include 15 new locations, covering an impressive total of almost 4500 square meters. The endeavor, which began in 2020 with a flowery meadow on Novodvorská Street, has gained momentum each year, with the addition of more locations and an increased budget.

The Prague 4 City Councilor for the Environment, Tomáš Hrdinka, expressed pride in the project’s success, stating that Prague 4 is now a leading city in the entire country and a prominent player in Prague. The council allocated 750,000 crowns to support the initiative, demonstrating its commitment to the preservation and beautification of the environment.

The newly designated areas for sowing the flowery meadows include Milevská, Hvězdova, U Křížku, Bělčická, and Antonín Engel Park. Additional locations will be situated in front of the Podolí waterworks and at the entrance from Modřanská to Barrandov Bridge. These meadows will complement the existing ones on Novodvorská, 5. května, Antala Staška, Jeremenkova, Modřanská, Vídeňská, Michelská, Hlavní, and Pujmanové. A meadow in Kloboučnická Street, planted last year, will be replaced due to necessary replacement planting with an area in the nearby U Křížku Street.

Negotiations with the Technical Road Administration (TSK) were a vital step preceding the sowing process. The city sought suitable land loans to enhance both the aesthetics and species diversity of insects, particularly butterflies and bumblebees. Tomáš Hrdinka emphasized that the blooming meadows serve as essential food sources for bees and other insects during the middle and end of summer when floral resources become scarce.

The vibrant flower fields are expected to bloom from July to September, creating a spectacle that spans over three months. The unique Strakonice mix, consisting of 15 species of annuals that change color throughout the summer and autumn, is predominantly used. Cornflowers, large-flowered flax, sunflowers, beauties, and wild basil are just a few examples of the diverse flora that inhabit these meadows, providing insects with a source of sustenance and refuge.

Prague 4 has already set its sights on expanding the project further in the coming year, with the aim of occupying more than one hectare of unused land with flowery meadows. The city district welcomes suggestions for additional suitable locations, demonstrating its commitment to engaging the community and ensuring a pleasant environment for its citizens to enjoy. Councilor Hrdinka emphasized that the meadows were designed for people as well as insects, offering a variety of artificially planted annuals suitable for the local climate.

This environmentally conscious approach is not limited to Prague 4 alone. Prague 2, for example, introduced flower-filled meadows covering approximately 5,000 square meters in various locations such as Havlíčkovy and Lumírové sady, Folimanka, Karlovské předmostí, and above Bělehradská Street.

The endeavor to sow flowery meadows throughout Prague is a commendable initiative, promoting ecological balance and enhancing the urban landscape.

Article by Prague Forum

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