Síkela’s energy tariffs

Imagine the nervousness at the industry ministry after the death on Sun. of STAN Vice Chair Věslav Michalik, by all accounts his party’s main money man, and the arrest yesterday of another STAN board member, Petr Hlubuček, on charges of organized crime and corruption. Industry Min. Jozef Síkela (STAN) is supposed to present his energy plans soon, and all the media activity related to Michalik and Hlubuček will heighten the attention on him. At first glance, his long-awaited economy energy tariff for households seems transparent enough if it applies to everyone equally, but what if he and Finance Min. Zbyněk Stanjura combine it with an offer for cheap electricity from Pavel Tykač of Sev.en Energy? Chief Economist Pavel Řežábek of ČEZ told Týdeník Echo that he could imagine many more energy companies being interested in such a deal. How exactly would Síkela, Stanjura and their advisers decide whom to favor? The same question arises when businesses fret and wonder if they’ll qualify for government assistance for covering rising energy costs. Just what is Síkela’s “tariff” for this? Maybe we’ll find out.


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