The largest part of the replacement of Prague public transport stops has begun

The second phase of replacing shelters at public transport stops in Prague has begun, and the project should be halfway through by the end of August. Tomáš Jílek, director of the city’s Technology of the Capital City of Prague (THMP) company, which is in charge of the replacement, said on Thursday.

According to Jílek, there were no problems with the furniture delivery. However, the city is still sorting out who will be in charge of advertising the shelters, and according to Jílek, it could be THMP.

JCDecaux operated hundreds of shelters at public transport stops under a contract dating back to 1994. In exchange for providing and maintaining them and renting them to the city, it could run advertising on them.

The contract ended last June, but the city’s management had already decided to acquire its furniture. The replacement began at the end of last year, and THMP has completed the replacement of about 100 bus stops, according to Jílek.

In total, the company will replace the furniture at 690 stops, according to earlier information. By the end of the holiday season, another 234 will get a new look. According to the director, THMP has planned its main activity for July and August, when there will be less traffic in Prague. No major work is scheduled for September. At the same time, 203 separate JCDecaux billboards should disappear from the streets by the end of August without replacement.

The city is also still sorting out who will put out a tender for a company to run the advertising space at the bus stops. Initially, there was talk that it would be a transport company, but last week, according to Jílek, the relevant municipal committee identified THMP as the more suitable bidder.

The final decision on the advertising will be up to the city councilors. In any case, THMP will be responsible for the maintenance of the new shelters, which Jílek said they plan to work closely with another city company, Pražské služby. The replacement is expected to be completed by the middle of next year.

Prague chose the design of the new furnishings in 2018 in a design competition in which the Olgoj Chorchoj studio was successful. The jury particularly appreciated the design purity of the design.

The bus stop, made of dark grey aluminum, includes a waste bin. Inside part of the shelters, there is an orientation panel informing passengers about the name of the stop, time, or departures.


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