Unique Things to Do in Prague

Prague, a popular economic hub located in Central Europe, is a hot-spot that most people associate with class, culture, and history. But did you know that Prague is not only filled with beautiful locations, but it’s also overloaded with extremely unique and unusual things to do? Founded in the 9th century, Prague has unbelievably beautiful facades dating back centuries as well as modern buildings around the outskirts of the old city. Of course, we had to see all the historic sites and classy vegan joints Prague has to offer while the VIVA GLAM team spent time there, but we, of course, also had to see the stranger and more unusual side of this great city, too. Who knew that Prague was such a weird place? Without further ado, we give you the most unique things to do in Prague from bizarre museums to beautiful sites.



The oldest clock still in operation, the Prague Astronomical Clock, is truly a site to behold. First installed in 1410, the clock is well over 600 years old. It contains an astronomical dial, a calendar dial, and the figures of saints and skeletons who come out and give an hourly show. According to local legends, Prague will suffer bad luck if the clock is ever neglected, so it remains well-kept-up. Located on the Old Town Hall in the Old Town Square, it’s easy to find, and the clock performs its shows every hour on the hour. While it is a traditional thing to see in Prague, being the oldest clock in operation, we just had to add it to our list of unique things to do in Prague.



Filled to the brim with vintage (and we’re talking centuries old for many of them) sex toys, the Sex Machines Museum in Prague is something you generally must see for yourself. But really, though, we can’t show you anything that was inside, as it’s not exactly appropriate for everyday viewership. From nineteenth-century dildos to old-school pornography, The Sex Machines Museum is quite the site to behold. Located just outside of Prague’s Old Town Square, it’s right down the street from the astronomical clock, so you really can’t miss it if you’re in the heart of the Old Town. If you’re an adventurous soul looking for something truly unique, this museum is for you.



Found inside the entrance to Prague’s library, again right by the Old Town Square, you’ll find an art installation like no other. The Idiom Installation by Matel Kren is an art installation unlike one we’ve seen before, easily making it one of the more unique things to do in Prague. This cylindrical tower is made of hundreds of stacked books, all placed with a small opening for the viewer to look inside. When looking in, mirrors are placed at the top and bottom so it appears that the book tower goes on indefinitely. It’s quite the illusion, and definitely a must-visit spot in Prague. But please note, there is generally a line out the door to experience the Idiom Installation, so you may have to wait 20-30 minutes to get your turn. If you can make it there right upon opening hours, it may be the best time to go to avoid the line.



I don’t know how else to describe the Museum of Alchemists of Old Prague other than to say it’s part art, part storytelling, and part historical lesson. The museum starts you off in the main building where you get a few fun stories mixed around with some very… unique… scenes. To your left at the entrance, a magical ceremony is being held on a glowing symbol surrounded by figures who appear to be conducting a human sacrifice to a demon.  And on the walls are fun tales regarding some of the more famous alchemists of Old Prague. What makes this museum so interesting, however, is that your guide will lead you up an old tower to an attic which supposedly served as Edward Kelley’s actually laboratory. Throughout the recreated scene upstairs, you will find tons of information and recreations of old alchemical tales. It really is interesting, and definitely something you must see for yourself.



The Strahov Monastery is a Premonstratensian abbey founded in 1143 in the city of Prague. Today, it’s definitely one of the most exciting and unique things to do in Prague. When we mentioned that some of these unique places were beautiful, that may have been an understatement for Strahov. You see, the main attraction that draws people into this gorgeous monastery is the library. Open for you to peak in, the Strahov library presents itself like a painting, delicately placed before your eyes with gorgeous woods and stale old book pages. You can no longer walk into the library (to preserve its integrity), but it’s definitely worth the visit to peak inside. It’s like getting a view of the Beast’s Library (from Beauty and the Beast) in real life.


While many come for the library solely, the museum and art gallery placed throughout the monastery is a must-visit, too. From old holy objects to centuries-old paintings, it’s a very interesting and educational experience. I highly recommend you experience that part of the admission, as well.



Lastly, perhaps the most unique thing to do in Prague is visit the Sedlec Ossuary. Keep in mind this old church and ossuary is located roughly 50 minutes outside of Prague, but it’s well worth the visit into Sedlec. If you don’t know what an ossuary is, well, it’s a site that was made to house human bones. In the case of Sedlec, there are between 40,000 and 70,000 people whose bones have been used to furnish and decorate the chapel. From bones strung form the ceiling, appearing to look like hanging ribbons, to skeletons on display with bones used to make ceremonial hats, to a coat of arms made out of bones, Sedlec is unlike any other location you can visit. It’s become famous across social media outlets, and it’s easy to see why. However, it’s important to note that photography is no longer allowed there (you have disrespectful tourists to thank for that). But we just couldn’t visit Prague without stopping by the Sedlec Ossuary, and we surely couldn’t write a list of unique things to do in Prague without including this eerily beautiful place.


All in all, on top of being a beautiful, cultural hotspot, Prague is a cesspool of unique and unusual things to do. We hope you enjoyed our favorite unusual things to do in Prague, and we hope we’ve inspired you to make your own trip out to this wonderful and adventure-filled city.


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