Embassy of Slovenia in Prague / Velvyslanectví Republiky Slovinsko v Praze

Ambassador Tanja Strniša (in the photo with the Director of the Prague Castle Administration Mr. Iv Velíško) attended the opening of the exhibition “Mistrovská díla Obrazárny Pražského castle” (Masterpieces of the Prague Castle Gallery), which presents works of art i.e. new picture gallery and follows the representative exhibition of the same name in Narodna galerija v Ljubljana, which took place in 2020. The concept of the current exhibition at the Emperor’s Stables has been expanded to include additional paintings that have been restored in the meantime. At the exhibition you can admire the works of masters such as Hans van Aachen, Bartholomeus Spranger, Joseph Heintz, Joos van Cleveland, Peter Paul Rubens, Tintoretto and others.


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